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Thursday Meditation


Time: 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: 2F

Teacher: Rev. Dogun


  1. Standing Yoga / Tai-chi 18

  2. Chanting

  3. Sitting Meditation

  4. Heart Sutra

  5. Dharma talk

  6. Tea

It's a free service for the community, but a donation is appreciated. Dāna is the practice of cultivating generosity.

We ask you to consider Dana of $10 to $20 per month.

The Method of Sitting Meditation

1. After spreading out the sitting mat and seating oneself comfortably in a cross-legged position, align head and spine in an upright, seated posture.

2. Casually bring down all the body’s strength to the elixir field without abiding in even a single thought; be aware only of the energy that has settled in the elixir field(Dan Jeon). If the mind becomes distracted, then that energy becomes diffuse; do not neglect then and there to pull yourself together and bring that energy to rest.

3. Keep your breathing smooth, making the inhalations a little longer and stronger and the exhalations a little shorter and weaker.

4. It is essential to keep the eyes open constantly to help keep the demon of drowsiness away. Or, you may try meditating with eyes closed when the energy of the spirit is refreshed and there is no danger of the demon of drowsiness invading.

5. Keep the mouth always closed. If the water ascends and the fire descends readily after lengthy practice, clear and smooth saliva will flow continuously from the salivary glands, which you may gather in the mouth and swallow occasionally.

6. The spirit constantly should be ever-alert in its calmness and ever-calm in its alertness. If it leans to torpor, refresh the spirit; if it lapses into idle thought, restore it with right mindfulness; rest in the realm of your original face, which is effortless and spontaneous.

(From the doctrinal book of Won-Buddhism)

Dan jeon (Elixir field)

In Korean, the term Danjeon refers to a region of the body immediately above the center of the pelvic cradle, near the base of the spine. Danjeon is the center of a body and an important focal points for meditative and exercise techniques such as qigongmartial arts.

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